29-01-2023 上映, 179 分鐘, 日語(中文、英文字幕)
《Drive My Car》改編自村上春樹短篇小說集《沒有女人的男人們》同名篇章,舞台劇演員兼導演家福 (西島秀俊 飾) 與妻子過著幸福美滿的生活,卻因愛妻驟逝而灰心喪志,妻子遺下的一盒卡式帶成為他思憶舊日時光的媒介。兩年後,家福遇上了寡言的女司機美沙紀 (三浦透子 飾),在盛載亡妻回憶的車上,兩個陌生人的簡短交流演變為坦率的懺悔,家福並逐漸發現妻子生前的秘密……
導演濱口龍介繼《偶然與想像》後再度超越自己的巔峰傑作,勇奪康城影展最佳劇本獎、費比西國際影評人獎及天主教人道精神獎。《上流寄生族》導演奉俊昊更盛讚「《Drive My Car》證明濱口導演達至大師級境界。」
導演: 濱口龍介
演員: 西島秀俊、三浦透子、岡田將生、霧島麗香、袁子芸
Drive My Car
Opening on 29-01-2023, 179 minutes, Japanese(Chinese, English Subtitles)
Based on Haruki Murakami’s short story, “Drive My Car", from the book "Men without Women: Stories". Yusuke Kafuku (Hidetoshi Nishijima), a stage actor and director is happily married to Oto (Reika Kirishima), a screenwriter. However, Oto suddenly dies after leaving behind a secret. Two years later, Kafuku, still unable to fully cope with the loss of his wife, receives an offer to direct a play at a theater festival and drives to Hiroshima with his car. There, he meets Misaki (Toko Miura), a reticent woman assigned to become his chauffeur. As they spend time together, Kafuku confronts the mystery of his wife that quietly haunts him.
Director: Ryusuke Hamaguchi
Cast: Hidetoshi Nishijima, Toko Miura, Masaki Okada, Reika Kirishima, Sonia Yuan
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